16.10.2008, 16:05 | #1 |
AX UK: Microsoft Dynamics AX October Roadshow presentation
Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/ukax/archive/2...sentation.aspx
============== Hello all, the presentation from the October roadshows has now been posted here on the UK Partner Portal, click on the Training and Events tab and it will be the 1st item on the list. Can I advise ALL partners subscribing to the blog to download and review the deck. Content covered was business update, Performance Point Server, Environmental Sustainability, with ISV presentations from Red Maple (credit card processing/workflow/lots of other things) and Miracle (UK Payroll for AX). Get downloading and reading.....or else........ Posted By Fee Nolan Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/ukax/archive/2...sentation.aspx
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17.10.2008, 11:34 | #2 |
а посмотреть и не получится, нет доступа. Можно переложить? на файлсервера для простых смертных
17.10.2008, 11:54 | #3 |
Без аутентификации ссылка открылась, презентация скачалась. Возможно, проблемы не у всех простых смертных?
Ivanhoe as is.. |
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