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Старый 20.03.2018, 21:15   #1  
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Art Of Creation: SSRS: Empty fields on report – Part 2

Hi all!

Some time ago I talked about a problem with SSRS reports that were showing empty fields where data was expected. More recently I talked about how display scaling for high DPI displays can cause fonts in the Dynamics AX client to be all messed up. Today, these two issues kind of had a baby of some kind :).

Apparently, the display sizing setting can cause reports to show empty field when printing to client. When you print to PDF, all data is there. When on your host machine, display sizing is set to 125%, some reports can show empty fields. If you set it to 100%, the problem seems to be solved and the report prints correctly to the screen.
If you are working on multiple monitors, it is possible that it works when your remote desktop sessions is opened on one monitor, but the report shows empty fields when you open your remote on another monitor. As mentioned in the previous post, you also get different results when you change the Disable display scaling on high DPI settings property on the Dynamics AX 2012 shortcut.
In any case, it is best to set the display scaling on the client to 100% if possible to avoid these issues.

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