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Старый 11.05.2011, 06:15   #1  
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axdaily: Visual studio tools for AX 2012

Now it became really easy to develop managed components for AX.
In order to do that you’ll need Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio Tools for AX 2012.

The first tool to mention is, of course, Application Explorer. It contains elements from AOT (and it actually looks pretty much like AOT) and allows to perform some operations with them. For example, it is possible to open projects or SSRS reports stored in AOT in the same visual studio instance just by clicking edit on project node in application explorer.

Application Explorer also allows to generate proxies for AX tables, classes, enums and add them to the project. Just by dragging them from application explorer to solution explorer.

It is also very important to mention that VS projects can now be stored in the AOT. That is convenient since they can be included into models, as well as all other AOT objects and thus packaged\deployed easily.

Project can be added to the AOT from the Visual Studio directly.

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