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Старый 15.09.2006, 09:19   #1  
tangolp is offline
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Business Connector question
I'd like to update an existing customer record in the CustTable. How do I select the existing record to update. For example, I want to update the phone number. Sample of code would be helpfull. Thank you!
Старый 15.09.2006, 09:42   #2  
raz is offline
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Read AxDvgCOMUs.chm

HRESULT Update(void);

Updates the Microsoft Axapta record; that is the record is transferred to the database.

Return Value
The return value obtained from the returned HRESULT is one of the following:

Return value


General failure

The security key for updating records through the Axapta Business Connector is disabled

Microsoft Axapta record is not valid. The IAxapta object has properly logged off (IAxapta::Logoff)

This method resembles calling the update member method of a record in the Microsoft Axapta X++ language.

Example (Visual Basic)
Dim Axapta As Object

Dim MyRecord As Object

Set Axapta = CreateObject("AxaptaCOMConnector.Axapta")


‘ create an Axapta record
Set MyRecord = Axapta.CreateRecord("MyTable")

‘ select a record
MyRecord.ExecuteStmt "select * from %1 where %1.Name == ‘MyName’"

‘ set fields of record
MyRecord.Field("Name") = "MyNewName"
MyRecord.Field("Address") = "MyNewAddress"

‘ update the record
Старый 01.03.2007, 20:50   #3  
neih2lille is offline
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object com "dundas mailer''
I use sysmailer class to send mail with Exchange 5.5 (without
authentification), everything works perfectly.

yesterday, my network admin modifies an exchange parameter which
consists in being authenticated to use exchange, since I do not manage
more to send the mail from axapta.

I tried to bring a user and a password to the level of the
of screen email parameter, but apparement Axapta is unaware of
these parameters, anyone has this problem before? how Axapta pass
parameters user and password to Exchange?

-question is in axapta the Email parameters (account and password
name) what is the use of?

thanks for your helps.


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