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Старый 28.10.2006, 23:29   #1  
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channel9: Satya Nadella - Running the Dynamics Team
?We continue our tour of the Dynamics team today with a few interviews. Here you meet Satya Nadella, who is the corporate vice president of the Dynamics team. Executive alert! But, he's pretty cool and tells you what's up in the Dynamics team and what they are bringing out. Also, what makes a good acquisition and why Microsoft got into this space. These interviews give you a good look inside the Dynamics team (which spans three continents and have thousands of people).

What is Dynamics? Supply Chain Management. Customer Relationship Management. Financial Management. This is Microsoft's enterprise team and their tools are used by businesses all over the world.

Why now? Next week is the big Convergence conference where Microsoft meets with its business partners and we wanted to get caught up on what was up on the team.

If you want to see more about Dynamics, here's the other interviews:

Hal Howard and team.
Jakob Nielsen, Dynamics/UX.
Mike Ehrenberg, architect on next generation of Dynamics.Download the VideoWatch the Video


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