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Старый 05.05.2011, 15:11   #1  
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crminthefield: How to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 without an Internet Connection

Even with the connected world we live in, there are still going to be scenarios where you need to install CRM 2011 when there is no Internet connection available. The most common scenarios are for virtual (Hyper-V) demo environments and environments with firewalls and\or other security requirements that block Internet access. I looked through the Implementation Guide and I didn't see the detailed steps available yet, so I wanted to share them on our PFE blog.

If you download the CRM 2011 ISO from MSDN or actually have a physical DVD that you are installing from, you will already have the Redist folder and all the pre-requisites downloaded. However, if you downloaded your CRM 2011 installation media from the Microsoft download site, then you will have to manually build this Redist pre-requisite folder structure.

Note: If you are installing CRM 2011 on a server that has Internet access, the installation will automatically go out and download the pre-requisite files during the install.

Step 1: Create the Redist folder structure at the same level as the Server, Client, EmailRouter and BIDSExtensions folders.

Once you create the Redist folder it should look something like this:

Step 2: Create the following subfolders directly under the Redist folder

Step 3: Download the pre-requisite files and copy them into the appropriate subfolders
Now you have all of the pre-requisites downloaded and saved in the correct folder structures, so you can continue with the CRM 2011 installation even without an Internet connection.

Hopefully this saves those of you who run into this scenario some time vs. having to read through the install logs to find the FW Link URL's.


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