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Старый 22.01.2013, 10:11   #1  
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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog: Announcing SDK Update V5.0.13 for Polaris and UR12

Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK Version 5.0.13 is now live on MSDN downloads and in the MSDN library. Here’s some of the many additions and updates you’ll find in this release:
  • First of all you’ll notice a new organization to the table of contents. We rearranged the information to be easier to find, with more information at the higher level
    nodes. No more searching for reporting, client programming and so on. We also moved many of the reference topics from underneath “Programming Reference” to
    be located with the topic itself. For example, you’ll see the Client-Side Programming Reference within the section Write Client Application Extensions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online.
  • We broke up the Release History into one per release. With frequent releases of the SDK documentation it was getting out of hand for both you and for us! We hope this makes it easier. Here is the current page: SDK Release History for V5.0.13
  • As usual we updated the assemblies for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM December 2012 Service Update and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 12. I know that UR12 has not shipped yet, but these assemblies will be compatible when it is available on the download center.
  • Start with this topic to see the new features we documented for this release: What's New for Developers for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. These include some new
    activity feeds functionality, custom workflows for CRM Online, extended browser support and an explanation of the new attributes and entity you’ll see with the updated user experience in CRM Online.
  • The Plug-in Registration tool executable file can now be found in the Bin folder of the SDK download. No more building the tool yourself! The source code for the tool has been removed from the SDK download, but we heard a request for it and may publish this code as a separate download if there is sufficient demand. It really is easier to just have the tool already compiled!
  • A new topic to help you make the best choice for your solution development: Choose Your Solution Development Environment
  • An update of the Developer Toolkit to support Visual Studio 2012.
  • An update to the Metadata Browser tool with many improvements. (See the release history.)
  • Documentation and sample code for the new metadata query capabilities: Retrieve and Detect Changes to Metadata
  • Documentation and sample code for the new data load feature where multiple message requests can be executed in one request: Use ExecuteMultiple to Improve Performance for Bulk Data Load
  • 17 new or updated samples. For the complete list, see SDK Release History for V5.0.13
Now that the MSDN library has switched to the lightweight view as the default, our TOC doesn’t look so great in the library. There are too many repetitions of the product name – which are there to promote find-ability with Bing and Google. Don’t worry, we’ll fix this as soon as possible. We are stripping out all the product name references from the end of the titles, and will move that information to an “Applies To” statement so we don’t hurt our search results. We want you to find the CRM 2011 and Online topics first when you search, and are aware that CRM 4.0 is still winning in some cases.

We welcome your Feedback

Thanks for all the hard work by the SDK team!

Amy Langlois

Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK

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