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Старый 17.01.2014, 11:11   #1  
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How to change Batch caption dialog field in run time. RunBaseBatch sample

<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">This is an example of a RunBaseBatch class that demonstrates how to change another dialog fields in run time.

Let's say we have a parameter of enum type, which selects the right business logic inside of Run method.

It is a good idea to change the main static text of the dialog as well as the batch caption that serves as a description for an eventual batch job (and tasks).

After adding this field in Dialog method we need to override Modified method for this field.

protected Object dialog()
FormComboBoxControl combobox;
dlg = super();

dialogEventType = dlg.addFieldValue(EnumStr(uapInterfaceEventType), eventType );
// to add details to the caption and task description in batch tasks
dialogEventType.registerOverrideMethod(methodstr(FormStringControl, modified), methodstr(tmxRunBaseBatchSample, eventType_modified), this);
// to avoid user input in the field
combobox = dialogEventType.control();

return dlg;
In eventType_modified method we call two additional methods to apply the user input respectively for BatchCaption and MainInstruction fields.

private boolean eventType_modified(FormStringControl _control)
boolean ret = _control.modified();
return ret;
To get access to these dialog fields we use two different approaches. We find BatchCaption form control recursively inside of batch tab page based on its type.

private void setBatchCaption()
FormStringControl batchCaptionControl;

// to get the batch caption control; any of them if many
batchCaptionControl = this.getBatchCaptionControl(dlg);

if (batchCaptionControl)
} // returns the batch caption form control if any in the dialog
private FormStringControl getBatchCaptionControl(DialogRunbase _dialog)
FormStringControl batchCaptionControl;

// recursive routine to look for the right form control of BatchCaption EDT
Object findBatchCaptionControl(Object _parentObject)
int i;
Object childControl;
Object foundControl;

for (i = 1; i
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