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Старый 03.04.2019, 23:14   #1  
nano3 is offline
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"Свободные" Аналитики продуктов в D365 F&O

От коллеги поступил вопрос, точнее два вопроса. Переводить не стал, дабы не испортить , но думаю, что и так понятно. Про второй вопрос думаю, что в стандарте так нельзя...
All info is welcome!

PS Речь про D365 F&O
Question 1:

Do you know if it is possible to work with product dimensions where the combinations have not been defined beforehand.
For example, I have an item, with prod dims Size and color.
For Size I define S, M, L
And for Color I define: Red, Yellow, Blue.
I could then release the variants for all combinations of these two prod dims.
And then I can create an order for one of these released combinations.

What we would like to do, is NOT release the variants for all combinations, but instead, let the user enter any combination on an order.
It this possible?
The problem with releasing all combinations beforehand, is that it is possible that there are hundreds of combinations, and releasing those combo’s is quite time consuming.

Question 2:

The second question is, is it possible to enter order lines where not all prod dims defined for an item, are filled in?
So, for the same set up as above, Size and Color are defined in the item setup.
And, then I would like to make an order line, where I am not forced to fill in the Size and color.
So, if this is a purch order line, I would be able to only enter the item number, and then in a later step like Registration, I would add the prod dim values

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