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Старый 23.10.2024, 14:11   #1  
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dynamicsaxtraining: Help

Standard Microsoft D365 product allows you to add additional product information without modifying the standard application.

Until now the lack of search functionality on attributes has prevented this functionality from becoming fully unleashed. With the help of this addon the products become searchable by attributes across the system.

The Product attribute search addon consists of:
  • Search by attributes
  • Display attributes as columns
  • Product attributes on product creation and duplicate check
  • Sales by attributes workspace
  • Useful feature
  • Supported forms
The Product attribute search addon requires no additional parameter setup to work. All functionality is built on existing standard setup options using product attributes. This ensures that even in existing applications using hierarchies and attributes the add-on will work out-of-the-box once installed with no additional parameter setup required.

The post Help first appeared on Dynamics AX Training.

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