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Старый 19.03.2007, 08:05   #1  
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Dynamics AX: Performance Load Testing for Dynamics AX [Soon!]
I came across the following blog entry the other day, which talks about how the Dynamics AX perf [aka: Performance] Team will soon be releasing a tool set that can be used with Visual Studio unit testing, in order to create and generate a true benchmarkking / performance load testing withing Dynamics AX. Check out the link here:

DAX Performance Workbench

Now there is one set back, with the .Net BC, making you have to start your load testing from a command line, because you have to use no isolation mode. And in truth you can easily create yourself a load balance script anyway, that you can execute over and over again, depending.

Anyway, for new implementations this is great news! The reason is, you can now take the expected load for a system and see how it will preform. Make needed adjustments, and then have a much higher success rate in the deployement of the new system. A lot of people have been waiting a while for this, and it brings the development cycle, to a fuller state as well as the implementation cycle. See with this, you can create unit testing scripts as is, and execute from .Net.

Well that's all for now on this, but keep a look out as this will be a Very important new step in development as well as new implementations! Check back soon!

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