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C# and AX Development: Tips for Upgrade Axapta 3.0 to Dynamics AX 4.0

- Be careful with table's conversion. If you had modified methods or fields, is probable that table will be converted losing functionality like standard methods, delete actions, indexes, fields, etc.

For example, when we converted the VendTable, the field CountryId wasn't properly converted (renamed as CountryRegionId) because we had modifications in this field and a lot of compilation errors was raised, so, we removed all modifications before upgrade this table to AX 4.0, then, we applied all changes before make the database conversion.

To ensure a successful conversion, you need to compare every modified table between your layer (CUS, VAR, etc.) and any system layer (SYS, SYP, etc.) Verifying that you are not losing fields, indexes, methods, delete actions, etc.

- Forms must be converted manually because you can lose a lot of functionality. You can use this tip: make the upgrade not matter about errors, then make a copy of the converted form, delete your custom layer (CUS, VAR, etc.) and use drag and drop to pass controls and methods from the copied form to the standard form until you complete the customization you want to have.

Don't forget to compare layers to avoid losing of standard functionality, specially with methods and events.

- Reports has changed in architecture. In Axapta 3.0 you had an auxiliar/helper class that was responsible for prompting query's values and other tasks. In AX 4.0, that functionality was included inside the class Report, so you need to pass manually any change made in reports preserving the new architecture.

- RecIds are now long integers (64-bits). Any field or EDT that references RecIds must be converted to 64-bits.

- Left justified fields offers a better performance with SQL Server 2005.

- If you have a partner's logon, read the following article:

- Fix tempdb and MaxDegree for Parallelism as explained in

- Execute AxDbUpgrade.exe using the /P # parameter (where # = number of physical processors)

- You are going to lose some permissions and groups. Take your time for rebuild them.

- OLAP configuration for SQL Server 2005 is required. See my other post Configuring Analysis Services 2005 for AX for details.

- Sending e-mails from a client using Windows Vista could raise an error. You must use an Outlook 2007 client.

More details in Experiences upgrading Axapta 3.0 to Dynamics AX 4.0

- Follow the upgrade flowchart step by step:

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