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Старый 25.12.2008, 15:05   #1  
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mscrm4ever: Change Cases Associated Default View

This is a complementary post to the “Changing Activity / History Default View”.
The code sample uses exactly the same concept as the former post so if you’re using that then you should integrate both solution to avoid duplicate functions.

//Case History statecode options
var ServiceOptions =
Active : "0",
Resolved : "1",
Canceled : "2",
All : "All"

var _loadarea = loadArea;
loadArea = function(areaid)
//load the iframe

if( areaid != "areaService" ) return;

//create the iframe object
var iframe = document.getElementById(areaid + "Frame");
//wait until the iframe is fully loaded ("complete")
iframe.onreadystatechange = function()
if( iframe.readyState == "complete")
var picklist,option;
//reference to the iframe document
var iframeDoc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
case "areaService":
picklist = iframeDoc.all.statecode[0];
option = ServiceOptions.All;
picklist.value = option;

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