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Старый 26.03.2009, 19:55   #1  
em# is offline
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Регистрация: 29.05.2008
Setting security for temporary tables without modifying the application

Temporary tables are not shown in the security tree for assigning permissions, so it's not possible to enable them for users.
In order to make possible to set permissions to a temporary table I modified the SysDictTable class.

boolean allowSecuritySetup()
if (//this.isTmp()|| //Temporarily commented in order to show Temp tables in the Tree

this.isMap() ||
this.isView() ||
!this.securityKeyId() || //If not, the table rights cannot be calculated if the user is a member of >1 group
(this.configurationKeyId() && !isConfigurationkeyEnabled(this.configurationKeyId())))
return false;
return true;

My question is if there is a way to enable permissions for Temp tables without modifying the application.

Thank you.

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