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Старый 15.07.2010, 20:18   #1  
MikeR is offline
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Microsoft Dynamics AX Financial Consultant / Dubai
Ко мне пришло на мой взгляд интересное предложение, решил им поделиться

opportunity # Microsoft Dynamics AX Financial Consultant / Dubai

Urgent requirement for a Financial consultant with AX backgroupd in Dubai with travel to Brussels

opportunity # Microsoft Dynamics AX Financial Consultant / Dubai

Urgent requirement for a Financial consultant with AX backgroupd in Dubai with travel to Brussels

need for a financial Business Analyst with HEAVY accounting capability and if possible Microsoft AX background.

1. Working knowledge of AP, AR, GL, Financial closing, Asset Management, etc. VERY high knowledge in General Accounting
2. Excellent writing skills as Documenting the current applications and Future AX methodologies and processes
a. Making a User guide is also possible
3. Act as the main contact for new process and procedures from HQ in Brussels and Engineering in Manila
4. Would report in Dubai... Some travel in September to December to Brussels is expected.. then after that it would as needed

1. Housing is provided by the company
2. Transportation to/from the company is provided
3. After 1 year of service, air ticket is paid for by the company 1 time per year
4. Medical and Dental is provided for by the company

Please send your resume to
Axapta book for developer

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