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Старый 04.05.2009, 14:05   #1  
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dax-lessons: Alert user using Net send - x++

Sending messages to the users in network using NET SEND in x++

Microsoft Windows offers a simple method to send messages to other users or computers on the network - simple WinPopup Messages or Net Send Messages ( in Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003 ).

Prerequisite: Start Messenger service from Start >> Programs >> Administrative tools >> messenger.

Here is the job which will send messages to the users/computers on the network.

static void netSend(Args _args)
  permission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ComInterop);
 int output;

  //str computerName = 'giri';
 str  = Winapi::getComputerName();
 str  = 'Hello.. I am alerting from Dynamics AX';

 // Receiving end should start messenger service and alerter service from services.msc

 netSendCom = new COM("WScript.Shell");
 output = netSendCom.Run(strFmt("net send %1 %2", computerName, message),0,true);
 catch (Exception::Error)
 throw Exception::Error;
 if (output != 0)
 warning(strfmt('Net send Failed', computerName));
 warning('Check messenger service - Started');

Here is the net send message popup

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