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Старый 30.07.2010, 21:05   #1  
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AX UK: Upgrading SQL Skills to meet ERP Competency requirements for October 2010

As you will be aware the ERP competencies require partners to hold certain SQL exams. Specifically as of October 2010 they need - Exam 70-432 MS SQL Server 2008 Implementation and Maintenance (Note: the May 2010 requirement allows SQL 2005, however as of October it needs to be SQL 2008)

Harness has worked with Firebrand to create an “option” which enables a partner, probably with old SQL 2005 skills, to “upgrade” their skills to SQL 2008 in a cost effective manner. Candidates should have one to two years of experience using SQL Server 2008 or two to three years of experience using a previous version of SQL Server. Candidates for this exam are IT professionals who have jobs in which database administration is their main area of responsibility, or they work in environments in which databases are central to their job roles.


The dates for this course are:- Start Date

End Date









For further details on costs etc, partners should contact either Peter Kadama or Grant Judd at Firebrand on 0207 907 11 28 and should mention the PDC!


Posted By Fee Nolan

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