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Старый 15.07.2011, 13:11   #1  
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ukax: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 telling the Business and Technical Decision Maker Story

This semi-technical session is designed for the Presales Community and will provide attendees with the ‘Best Practice’ approach to demonstrating AX 2012 to the Business and Technical Decision Maker Community.

Please bring along your laptops remembering they will need to be running a Windows Server 2008 R2 build and capable of running the AX 2012 Virtual Machine.



Best Practice approach to running the AX 2012 Virtual Machine
Presenting the AX 2012 Business Decision Maker Elevator Pitch
Demonstrating the AX 2012 Business Decision Maker Product Overview


Presenting the AX 2012 Technical Decision Maker Elevator Pitch
Demonstrating the AX 2012 Technical Decision Maker Product Overview
Demonstration ‘Best Practice’ Tips, Tricks and Tools

Date: 19th September 2011

Location: Microsoft Thames Valley Park, Building 3

Please register, Here

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