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Старый 19.08.2011, 22:12   #1  
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Dynamics AXBR: AX 2012 – Development I & Development II

Seguem os links para os Training Materials:

Development I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
  • Describe the basic features of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Review basic form navigation.
  • Review the architecture of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Describe the options for making development changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Describe the theory of Model Driven Architecture in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Review licensing and configuration.
  • Explain the MorphX development environment and the Application Object Tree.
  • Design tables using MorphX.
  • Describe the different data types within Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Create a new table.
  • Learn how to create and modify indexes using MorphX.
  • Describe relations on Microsoft Dynamics AX tables.
  • Learn how to create and modify Enumerated data types.
  • Learn how to create and modify views.
  • Design and build Forms in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Join two data sources on a form.
  • Create customized menus and menu items.
  • Create a form using form templates.
  • Know the components of a list page.
  • Create a new FactBox.
  • Describe the elements of Role Based Security in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Setup a new user.
  • Assign roles to a user.
  • Assign a security role to a user.
  • Edit duties assigned to a role.
  • Edit privileges assigned to a duty.
  • Edit permissions assigned to a privilege.
  • Search for roles with access to a menu item.
Development II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
  • Identify key features of developing with X++.
  • Describe the basic foundation of object-oriented programming.
  • Use the development tools available within Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Create object and data models from existing application elements by using the Reverse Engineering tool.
  • Use best practices to instill good programming habits.
  • Declare and use extended data types for variables.
  • Use the various operators available in X++.
  • Control program flow using conditional statements in X++.
  • Repetitively call the same blocks of code by using Loop statements.
  • Use standard functions that are built in to the application.
  • Use output commands to display data and messages to the user.
  • Use the classes within Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 X++ development.
  • Control access to methods using Access Control Method Modifiers.
  • Extend a class using the concept of inheritance.
  • Describe the differences between an object and a class.
  • Initialize variables in the appropriate place according to scoping rules.
  • Call methods within the same class.
  • Use the different method types available.
  • Describe the similarities and differences between tables and classes.
  • Use the eventing publisher and subscriber model when modifying code in the application.
  • Retrieve data from the database using a select statement.
  • Create, update and delete data in the database.
  • Use and build queries using kernel classes.
  • Examine the exception handling mechanism in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Use the Try, Catch, and Retry statements.
  • Throw an exception from code.
  • Identify and create code used to handle optimistic concurrency exceptions.
  • Set permissions on application elements.
  • Design and create security policies.
  • Secure unsafe Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) using the Code Access Security framework.
  • Authenticate data returned from display methods.

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Старый 20.08.2011, 13:27   #2  
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