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Старый 08.11.2012, 18:11   #1  
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emeadaxsupport: Using labels to find features in AX

A common scenario when doing support for AX is that you do not have access to the same information or environment as the support requestor so you can not replicate the issue. Often, you might for example only a screenshot of a screen or the name of a feature node that you do not immediately recognize or can navigate too. Here is a tip on what you can do in these situations to get more information in such situations


Imagine you are contacted to provide some assistance on the form 'Customer Pools' You do not immediately know or remember the location of this screen

Here is what you can do in this situation

1. Press Ctrl + D to enter the AOT(Development environment)

2. In the AOT go to Tools\Label\Label editor and in the label editor write the name of the form as it appears on the screenshot and do a search

3. Note how it finds the label @SYS129816 Customer pools

4. Now do a search in your menu items AOT node for this labelID and remember to mark 'All nodes' as we need to search on properties also. To start the find screen, rightclick and select 'Find'

5. Note how it finds a menuitem called 'CustCollectionPool'

8. I can now go back to the application and navigate to the location of the 'Customer Pools' form

Note the same technique is also useful to find for example error messages in the application. Just take a note of the error message, find the label in the label editor and search through the AOT to find the location in the code where the error message is produced from

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