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Старый 21.11.2006, 00:29   #1  
gb is offline
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Thumbs up KR2 deployment

we have just deployed KR2(KR1 was done on the background as a part of KR2 upgrade) and I noticed something that I haven't seen before in any Axapta upgrades.

The new field recVersion was added during compilation of the application. I expected that to be done during synching of the database as it usually happens in Axapta when we make any data model changes. It was something new and I haven't seen it mentioned in any readme documents.

Also, our database is huge, and we were afraid that it would take many hours. The whole upgrade tool less than 1 hour - basically just for compilation of the application.

It was very nice!
Старый 21.11.2006, 19:32   #2  
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we have just deployed KR2(KR1 was done on the background as a part of KR2 upgrade) and I noticed something that I haven't seen before in any Axapta upgrades. The new field recVersion was added during compilation of the application. I expected that to be done during synching of the database as it usually happens in Axapta when we make any data model changes. It was something new and I haven't seen it mentioned in any readme documents.
So what's the question? RecVersion is a new system field related to Optimistic Concurrency Checking (OCC) for SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 introduced in KR1, see Readme.doc and SQL Server 2005 Books online for more details. Here is a quote from SQL Books online:
In a database scenario, there are two types of concurrency control mechanisms:
  • Pessimistic concurrency control locks resources as needed, for the duration of a transaction.
  • Optimistic concurrency control works on the assumption that resource conflicts between multiple users are unlikely, and it permits transactions to execute without locking any resources. The resources are checked only when transactions are trying to change data. This determines whether any conflict has occurred (for example, by checking a version number). If a conflict occurs, the application must read the data and try the change again. Optimistic concurrency control is not provided with the product, but you can build it into your application manually by tracking database access.
And that's what RecVersion is used for - to "track database access" on a record level. Axapta 3.0 KR uses OCC mostly on forms.

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