jinx?s AX Blog - ?ndern des Textes der Titelleiste - Ein Beispiel
void workspaceWindowCreated(int _hWnd)
// Put workspace window specific initialization here.
str orgTitleBarText, newTitleBarText;
int posBracket, lenTitle;
//Show the configuration file name in the titlebar - START
//Without session id:
orgTitleBarText = WinAPI::getWindowText(_hWnd);
lenTitle = strLen(orgTitleBarText);
posBracket = strScan(orgTitleBarText, "[", 1, lenTitle);
newTitleBarText = subStr(orgTitleBarText, 1, posBracket);
newTitleBarText = strfmt("%1%2]", newTitleBarText, xInfo::configuration());
WinAPI::setWindowText(_hWnd, newTitleBarText);
//Show the configuration file name in the titlebar - END