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Старый 05.10.2024, 01:15   #1  
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goshoom: X++ documentation comments by GitHub Copilot

I’ve finally started looking more closely on GitHub Copilot. What it can do with languages like C# is impressive; I also checked that it can help with things like Powershell scripts or Excel formulas.

But because I’m still primarily an X++ guy, I’m keen to explore how it can help there. So far, I tried asking GitHub Copilot to explain X++ code snippets, which was almost useless in most cases.

But I’ve found another use cases where it can save my time: creation of documentation comments. For example, this is pretty good:

Of course, good comments often contain information that isn’t included in the code as such, such as the business requirement or why we made a particular implementation decision. On the other hand, most methods are quite simple, but a good practice is having documentation comments for them anyway. Writing them isn’t difficult, but it takes time and it’s boring. I don’t complain if GitHub Copilot helps me with that.

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