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Старый 28.10.2006, 16:40   #1  
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Karl Tolgu: New properties on tables, maps and views in Dynamics AX 4.0
A question came up today about the existence of the following new properties on tables, maps and views in Dynamics AX 4.0:
- SearchLinkRefType
- SearchLinkRefName

These were added in AX 4.0 and are used in Enterprise Portal to display record details for a given Web search result. If these properties are not specified, then any corresponding Web search results are not shown (because you could not get to the details of the record returned by search). Previously, I understand that FormRef was used for the same purpose in previous releases, but Enterprise Portal only contains a subset of the forms (Web forms) that are available on the AX client, so a seperate mechanism was needed for Enterprise Portal.


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