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Старый 10.05.2007, 09:30   #1  
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dynamicsusers: Naked Business Part II – The Team
Источник: http://community.microsoftdynamicsli...-the-team.aspx

Continuing my behind the scenes look into the community let’s talk about who the team is and what they do. To set the stage we have a core team of 6 people working on this project spread across Redmond, WA; Fargo, ND and even Hettinger, ND! Although we are all US based today we have pretty diverse backgrounds including an Irishman, a Mexican, a Kiwi and of course a few from the USA. We meet weekly for 1 hour on a Monday at 1pm PST to talk through plans, make decisions and review progress on our individual...(read more)

Источник: http://community.microsoftdynamicsli...-the-team.aspx
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