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Старый 28.03.2011, 15:35   #1  
PlayingAlex is offline
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Демо база по модулю CRM для АХ 2009

хотел поинтересоваться есть ли демо база с данными по CRM для АХ 2009?

Буду благодарен за возможные советы!
Старый 28.03.2011, 17:06   #2  
kornix is offline
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Посмотрите тут: Демоданные для модуля CRM

Последний раз редактировалось kornix; 28.03.2011 в 17:10.
Старый 29.03.2011, 12:11   #3  
PlayingAlex is offline
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Что-то указанная ссылка не работает ((
Старый 29.03.2011, 13:06   #4  
Poleax is offline
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Demo Data for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009



The Demo Data set for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 is no longer based on the Global Trade and Manufacturing Company. Based on market feedback we have created a new Contoso Entertainment systems group of companies. It comes with 2 fiscal years of transactional data that enable us to demo our stronger Business Intelligence story and Role Center pages, while allowing us to easily expand the demo data story in future releases as we expand Microsoft Dynamics AX’s functionality footprint.

Contoso Entertainment Systems (CES) is a home electronics manufacturing, distribution and retail company that includes a Professional Services department. Its headquarters are in the USA with a key distribution subsidiary based in Germany and it works with the relevant currencies. CES distributes televisions, projectors, Digital Video Recorders and Players, and audio receivers. It manufactures speakers and assembles home theatre systems. CES’s customers are primarily based in North America and Europe and include Major Accounts (such as hotel chains), Wholesalers (of differing sizes), Retail stores (that are self-owned and operated), as well an internet storefront.

The legal and physical structure of CES is setup as follows:
  • CEC – Contoso Entertainment Consolidation, based in USA
  • CEU – Contoso Entertainment USA, Headquarters based in USA
    • Site 1: Production of all speakers
    • Site 2: Assembly of home theatre systems and Services
    • Site 3: Production of Standard speakers
  • CEE – Contoso Entertainment Europe, Distribution subsidiary company based in Germany
Site 4: Distribution, Assembly and Service of all products
CVC – Virtual company that includes table collections from CEU and CEE.
The downloads for Contoso Entertainment Systems demo data offers transactional data for Basic, Administration, General Ledger, Bank, Fixed Assets, Accounts Payable, Accounts and Receivable, Inventory Management, Intercompany, Production, Master Planning, CRM, Project, Expense Management, and Human Resources modules, and is intended to demonstrate these modules’ functionality. It also offers base data (i.e. no transactions) for the Product Builder modules.
P.S. В локализованных демо данных, что то плоховато с модулем CRM.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
За это сообщение автора поблагодарили: PlayingAlex (1).
Старый 29.03.2011, 13:20   #5  
Poleax is offline
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Может, будет интересна перенастроенная виртуальная машина Dynamics Ax 2009 ax2009 demo vpc: полностью настроенная виртуальная машина со средствами разработки

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Старый 29.03.2011, 16:56   #6  
PlayingAlex is offline
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Спасибо за советы - вроде вопрос решили....
ax2009, crm, demo, vpc


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