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Старый 09.08.2012, 12:11   #1  
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! emeadaxsupport: AX for Retail 2009: Rollup 8 compatible hotfix released

We recently released an important hotfix for AX for Retail 2009 R2 Refresh that is compatible with Dynamics AX 2009 Service Pack 1 Rollup 8 (RU8).  There are a few important notes to go along with this release that you should be aware of.

You can get detailed information and a link to the hotfix here:  KB 2706705 (PartnerSource or CustomerSource access required).  This KB article contains a list of all hotfixes that are included in the rollup.  The version for this rollup is 5.0.1600.138.

With this release, all hotfixes moving forward will be based on the RU8 code base.  This means that if a future R2 Refresh hotfix is needed, you will need to update your system to that relesae.  If it is not possible to update, Retail Headquarters (HQ) hotfixes are just like other AX application hotfixes and can be manually extracted and merged if necessary.

You will also notice that versioning for all four components has moved from 1506.xxxx to 1600.xxxx.  Unless otherwise noted, all Retail POS R2 Refresh hotfixes are independent of HQ versioning.  This means that if you need a newer POS hotfix and you do not need any HQ hotfixes, you do not have to worry about upgrading HQ to RU8.

Due to the way that we merged the code, there were some late RU7 retail hotfixes that did not make it into this RU8 release  These are fixes from version 5.0.1506.1106 through 5.0.1506.1116.  These have now been merged into more recent hotfixes (5.0.1600.254 for POS and 5.0.1600.249 for HQ).  The table on the Retail Hotfix Landing Page gives more detail about these hotfixes.  Please look carefully at the entries for 1106-1116 to determine if you need any post-RU8 fixes.

With the exception of those “catch up” fixes, all AX for Retail 2009 fixes are cumulative.

When updating to the Retail RU8 release, install in the following order:

  • Update Dynamics AX to Hotfix Rollup 8 for Dynamics AX SP1:  KB 2677618
  • Update all retail components to Retail Hotfix Rollup 8:  KB 2706705
  • Update Retail Headquarters to build 5.0.1600.249 or later
  • Merge your customizations
Make sure to carefully note any customizations you have and use the impact analysis tool to determine which are still needed.

Hopefully this will help as you move forward on your AX for Retail 2009 implementation.  As always, please contact Microsoft Dynamics Technical Support if you have any questions.

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