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Старый 21.11.2018, 14:11   #1  
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crmtipoftheday: Tip #1196: Flow does not contain data

Being a mature product, Dynamics 365 rarely lends itself to short tips these days. Microsoft Flow, new kid on the block, on the other hand, is ripe for short bursts of wisdom. Today’s one is from Rob Dawson (and you can send your nugget to too!)

With the drive toward use of Flow instead of background workflows, some condition operators are not the same. Like this easy but frequently used one.

It’s always good practice to check if a value exists before overwriting it in a workflow. Dynamics 365 CE or CDS Workflow condition is Does Not Contain Data. This is how to do it in Flow. Select the field from the Dynamic content then null function from the Expression builder.

(Facebook and Twitter cover photo by Jonas Jacobsson on Unsplash)

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